Login providers

Learn how to add and edit login providers.


Login providers are presented to users as options for logging in, such as "Login with Google" or "Login with SAML".

In Collaboard, you need to have at least one login provider per oauth client configured to log in.

The oauth clients are applications that are permitted to use the authentication app to get API access tokens on behalf of users. They may be internal or third party applications.
Default oauth clients with every Collaboard installation:

Thus, to login to Collaboard or the back office via the respective oauth clients you will need login providers.

Default set up

By default you will at least have the username login provider.

In most cases you will have SSO in place, and consequently need to configure the respective login provider.

Review and add login provider

Open the Login providers page:

You will see a table of all configured login providers.

You may jump to the oauth client for which the selected login provider is configured:

To add a login provider hit
Enter all information in the configuration panel:

  • Name
  • Tenant ID
  • Provider
  • Provider Client ID
  • Provider Client ID
  • Scope
  • Authorize URI
  • Token URI
  • Redirect URI
  • Logout URI
  • Logout Redirect URI
  • Enable Two Factor Authentication (TFA)
  • Auto-accept Terms of Service
  • OAuth Client ID
  • Extra Properties
  • Claim Mapping
  • Readonly Fields

Edit or delete login provider

Simply click the Edit button and update the configuration as necessary. 

Delete obsolete login providers.