Tags for objects

Learn how to tag objects on your board.

Available to Advanced and Enterprise users.


Tags are available for:

  • Sticky notes
  • Images
  • Docs 
  • Audio & video files

Add tags

Click on any of the above objects and select Add tag from the context menu.

A dialogue will show:

  • Enter a name. The characters are limited to 30 digits.
  • Choose a color by clicking on the orange spot:
  • Enter or Create.

If you have created a tag, it will automatically be assigned to the object for which it was created. The new tag will be displayed as follows:

Once a tag is created, it will always appear in the list of available tags for this project/board, even if it is removed from all objects (until it is manually deleted).

If you have already created a specific tag, it will automatically appear in the tag list. Click it to use it! To remove the tag from the selected object simply click on the tag in the list again.

Edit tags

Select the object, go to context menu and click the pen icon on any tag.

You can

  • change the name
  • change the color
  • manually delete the tag
  • save the changes

The changes apply to all objects with this tag.
If you delete a tag (e.g., Tag A) from one object, it will also be removed from all other objects.

Important: Deleting a tag, as well as tag actions (adding, removing, updating, deleting), cannot be undone or restored.