Template library

Learn how to create your personal and organization templates and how to make use of the official templates.

What is the Template library?

You need a place to keep your favorite board objects, object ensembles, templates, really anything from the board? Check out the Template library! It allows you to easily create reusable templates from your favorite objects and add them to any board, anytime. Moreover, all Collaboard templates are readily available to kick-start your next collaborative endeavor.

Featured templates types

  1. Personal templates
  2. Organization templates
  3. Official templates

You will find the Template (library) under Templates in the main toolbox:


Personal templates

  • Save selection as personal template
  • Sort templates
  • Rename template
  • Delete template
  • Add template to board

Organization templates

  • Save selection as organization template
  • Rename template
  • Change template category
  • Delete template
  • Add template to board
  • Create and manage template categories

Official templates

  • Search template
  • Add template to board
  • Create as new project

Personal templates

Navigate to Templates in the main toolbox.

You will find two tabs. The first is dedicated to storing your reusable favorites.

Save as template

Select any number of objects on the board and use the context menu to save the collection as template. Choose a name, opt for personal template and save.

Sort templates

Sort templates by:

Rename template

Use the three dot menu of the template, select Rename and save.

Delete template

Use the three dot menu of the template, select Delete and confirm.

Add template to board

Use the three dot menu of the template, select Add to board and confirm.


Drag the template from the side panel and drop it anywhere on the board.

To share your templates simply invite colleagues to a board having the template. They can easily add it to their personal templates.

Organization templates

Who can create organization templates?

Any owner or manager of an Advanced or Enterprise plan.
There is no further setting to configure.

Who can use organization templates?

Any member of an Advanced or Enterprise plan.
Any free user that belongs to the same tenant as the Advanced or Enterprise plan.

Add organization templates

Navigate to Templates in the main toolbox.

You will find three tabs. The second is dedicated to storing your reusable favorites for your organization.

Save as template

Select any number of objects on the board and use the context menu to save the collection as template. Choose a name, opt for organization template, choose a category and save.

Edit/ Delete/ Add to board

Use the three dot menu to rename, change the category, delete or add the template to the board.

Search templates

Use the category filter or the free text search to find the templates you are looking for

Manage template categories

Navigate to the Settings page and the Template categories tab.

Create a category

Select Create category. Enter a name and specify a rank (optional). The rank will determine the order of appearance in the category dropdown of the organization templates tab in a project.  

Edit a category

Edit name and rank.

Delete a category

Remove the category from the list and from the category dropdown of the organization templates tab in a project.

Official templates

The second tab of the Library contains the official templates.

Search template

Type any combination of letters and numbers and the search will look for a match in the template names.

Add template to board

Use the three dot context menu or drag and drop to the board.

Create as new project or create new project from template link

You may create a new project from an official template and you may share an official template via link. 

Create as new project
Click Create as new project and follow the instruction in the modal. A new project based on the template you selected will be created.

Copy link

Click Copy link to copy the template project link to your clipboard. Share this link!
The receiver may use it to directly create a new project with that template. The user interface will look the same as with Create as new project.

Who has access to the Template library?


Advanced and Enterprise.


Permission Viewer Editor Facilitator Owner
Add objects to library no yes yes yes
Rename, sort, delete templates no yes yes yes
Add templates to board no yes yes yes