How to add users to my team?

This article describes how to add users to your team in Collaboard.

If you are the owner of a Collaboard plan, you can manage your team and assign subscriptions to peo

If you are the owner of a Collaboard plan, you can manage your team and assign subscriptions to people you want to have in your team. 

There are to way to add users to your team: "Add User" and "Upload a file with a list of users" ple you want to have in your team. 
There are to way to add users to your team: "Add User" and "Upload a file with a list of users"

Add User

Click on the Members tab to get to your team dashboard. If you want to add a new user, please click on "Add a new user".


Now you can enter the email address of the user you want to add to Collaboard. You can fill out the other fields as well if you add a user, that has never registered in Collaboard. 

When you click on the button "Add user" the user gets an email from Collaboard that you added him to his team. 

Upload a file with a list of users

Click on the Members tab to get to your team dashboard. If you want to add a list of users, please click on "Import users from file".

Upload are drag the list of users and click on continue. An example file can be found here.

Assign the column names: For each column select the according columns name from the drop down list. Click on Import

Pending Request

If an invited user has not yet accepted the invitation, they will be listed here with the note “Pending”.

You can edit the user and set it to “Active”. You also have the option to resend the invitation and delete the invitation.